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Weekly Pick

Xiaomi Uhr S4 Sport

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Eine exklusive Partnerschaft für ultimative Nervenkitzel im Freien

  • 1,43 Zoll amoliertes Touchscreen-Display.
  • Unterstützen Sie Essim.
  • Unterstützen Sie die Schlafverfolgung, die Herzfrequenz und die Überwachung von Blutsauerstoff.
  • Angetrieben von 586 mAh Akku, 15 Tage in einer einzigen vollen Ladung.
  • Unterstützen Sie Android 8.0 und iOS 13 oder höher.

5 Reasons to Try Xiaomi Watch S4 Sport


Xiaomi Corporation was founded in April 2010 and listed on the Main Board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange on July 9, 2018 (1810.HK). Xiaomi is a consumer electronics and smart manufacturing company with smartphones and smart hardware connected by an IoT platform at its core.

Embracing our vision of “Make friends with users and be the coolest company in the users’ hearts”, Xiaomi continuously pursues innovations, high-quality user experience and operational efficiency. The company relentlessly builds amazing products with honest prices to let everyone in the world enjoy a better life through innovative technology.


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