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Exciting Update To Heyup Tryouts

We want to hear your input and opinions on what products to do next for the Heyup Tryouts. We have implemented a new “Wishing” system to our Tryouts so that you can take charge and tell us which product you wish to try out next, pun intended. 

How To Wish To Test A Product

Step 1: Learn more about the products

On our Tryouts page, you may have noticed how we have placed several Featured Tryout Products for Heyup Tryouts. Click the “Wish To Test” on any one of these products that you are interested in. It will take you to a page to learn more about the product and where you can vote for that product to let us know that you wish for it to be in the next Tryouts. 

Wish to test

Step 2: Wish To Test 

Simply press the “Wish To Test” button. Once the product has reached a certain number of wishes, as listed on the page of that product, it will be selected by the Heyup Team to be in the next Heyup Tryouts. 

Sign up and wish to test

Step 3: Update your profile and join the community 

Once you finish your wish, you can increase your chances of being selected, by updating your profile with the email address. Doing this lets us get to know you better and put you in the first place on the waiting list. We will also notify you of similar products. After that, you can join our community and share interesting content with us. We are more likely to recognize the active users in our community. Say hi now! 

Join Heyup Community

We will continue to launch ongoing Tryouts for certain products that we here on the Heyup Team think are cool or trending in the markets now. So our users can have a chance to be the first to try out the innovative products. 

What If I Don’t See A Product I am Interested In?

No worries, you can always share new and exciting products that you want to try out in the Heyup Community. You can also share directly with the Heyup Team through the Heyup website what products you would wish to try. We will take any and all ideas and suggestions into consideration. Also, if a significant number of other Heyup Community members happen to suggest the same product, it will increase its chances of appearing on the “Featured Tryouts Products” list to be wished upon for the next Heyup Tryouts.

