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Apple officially allows iOS to issue NFTs

On October 24th, Apple updated its overseas version of the AppStore review guidelines and added rules related to NFTs and cryptocurrencies.It is reported that Apple has officially formulated NFT-related rules for the first time for the provision of iOS applications.

According to its updated review guidelines, "Apps can use internal payments to sell and sell NFT-related services, such as minting, listing, and transfer." This also means that overseas iOS developers will be able to build their own NFTs in the Apple ecosystem platform.

But Apple emphasized in the guidelines: “Apps may allow users to view their own NFTs, provided that ownership of the NFT does not unlock features or functionality within the app. Apps may allow users to browse collections of NFTs owned by others, provided that the app Programs must not contain buttons, external links, or other calls to action that direct customers to purchase mechanisms other than in-app purchases."

In addition, due to the use of blockchain technology at the bottom of the NFT, the related infrastructure encryption wallets are also closely guarded by Apple, "applications must not use their own mechanisms to unlock content or functions, such as license keys, augmented reality markers , QR codes, cryptocurrencies and cryptocurrency wallets, etc.” Apple wrote in the guide.

In this update, Apple also updated its auditing regulations for cryptocurrency exchanges, saying that iOS apps can facilitate the trading or transfer of cryptocurrencies on approved exchanges, but only if they are properly licensed on the app.

Permissions are provided in the country or region where the cryptocurrency exchange is offered. Apple's acceptance of NFTs and cryptocurrencies has taken a step forward, but it is clear that Apple is not willing to break its 30% fee model just because the NFT concept is hot.

The purpose of various restrictions is to ensure that the issuance, minting, and trading of NFTs are all within Apple's iOS ecosystem. This has caused NFT companies to refuse or suspend their entry into the iOS ecosystem.

Some game companies related to the iOS ecosystem are excited about the potential of NFT functions, but Apple's 30% handling fee has become a de facto obstacle.

