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Heyup’s First Tryout Program

Would you like to try out new tech products for free? Are you an opinionated person and would like to have your voice heard to? Then allow me to borrow a short bit of your time to tell you about the Heyup Tryout Program.

What is the Heyup Tryout Program?

Our goal has always been to build and grow a community of tech enthusiasts to share news, ideas, and opinions to help everyone in the community become more informed about tech and to make purchases that they will love. One of the best ways to help share good opinions about tech products is to try the product out yourself first and then tell everyone about what it’s like. Sometimes though it’s hard to get your hands on a new tech product and sometimes it’s hard to trust a content creator or a news article about it to be really biased. So we created the Heyup Tryout Program, where normal people such as yourself who are active in our community have the opportunity to try out new tech products on your own, free of charge, and give your opinions about it on a platform where they will be heard by the world at large. Giving you the unique power to directly influence future tech trends for the betterment of the tech community. Pretty great ya?

The Heyup Team will select outstanding members of our community to be product testers. These testers will be given new tech products, free of charge, to try out. These testers will then need to give an honest, detailed review of the product on the Heyup Forums and their own websites if they have one. It is important that the review is as detailed and unbiased as possible with good and negative points pointed out. Testers that give the most informative reviews will receive a $50 Amazon gift card from the Heyup Team. 

How To Join The Heyup Tryout Program?

Joining the program is pretty easy, you just need to follow these two rules to be eligible to be selected by the Heyup Team to be a product tester.

  • Be active within the Heyup Community. This way everyone knows who you are and so you don’t miss out on any chances to try out new products.
  • Complete all of the actions on the Gleam platform.

That’s it, pretty easy ya? Once you have completed the Gleam activity, we will review your activity within the Heyup Community. Those that are super active and contribute positively the most to the community will have an increased chance of being selected as a product tester.

Once the Heyup Team has selected someone or even you, to be a product tester, you will be contacted in the Heyup Forum and by email. If there is a product to be tested, one will be prepped to be shipped to you. Once the shipment has begun, it should arrive within 10 business days, if it takes longer to arrive then just contact us at and let us know.

More Reasons To Join The Heyup Tryout Program

If being one of the first people to try out new tech products (FOR FREE) and then keep them, as well as sharing to the world your review on the first tryout products within 7 days after receiving, contributing to the growth in brands and education of tech enthusiasts everywhere isn’t enough, then take a look at this list of additional reasons for why you should join the Heyup Tryout Program.

  • Be the first to know the details of the next Tryout Event and the latest topics.
  • Earn a Heyup Tester Badge which will increase your chances of winning in future events.
  • Three Heyup Testers who share the best reviews will be selected by the Heyup Team to get a $50 Amazon Gift Card.


Heyup’s First Tryout Program Product

Heyup has selected the Oladance Wearable Stereo open earbuds to be the first tech product for the Heyup Tryout Program. These open earbuds are a revolutionary design on a try and tested technology that we all love, earbuds. The unique aspect of the Oldance Wearable Stereo is their open ear design, where literally nothing goes into your year but you still enjoy the sound quality and snug fit that comes with other sports model earbuds.
Using your ears’ natural curves and shape, the Oladance Wearable Stereo latches on snug and comfortably while a pair of powerful 16.2 mm drivers that channel epic sound naturally into your ears. This design also allows you to still hear your surroundings, making your outdoor runs or walks while enjoying your tunes or podcasts a safer experience.

After a very successful launch on Kickstarter with 3,632 backers, it is now available to be tried out here on Heyup. 

Some callouts from Kickstarter 

"Recieved my fantastic orange set, all I can say is WOW, what an absolute pleasure it is to wear these! Fantastic sound, comfort and ease of use." - Rodrigo Martinez

"Got my buds last week and I am really happy with them. I have tried a lot of in-ear buds, but they just irritate my ears. This buds are fabulous and have good sound that I can hear really good when I am on the bicycle. Well worth the wait and the extra customs that I had to pay to get my buds." - Teigetje78

"I received mine 2 weeks ago, I have now tried them going out for a run and they sound amazing and you can still hear clearly the outside environment with no issues (I love that), great sound quality, stylish design and very comfortable (no pain after wearing them for some hours), also wore them in an airport/airplane and freaking loved the interaction within earbuds and external sound,, I’m really pleased with this product. Product looks and sounds as advertised!" - Pablo

If You Have Questions

Pop on over to our Forum where we talk even more about our Tryout Program and you ask us directly anything you would like to know.
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