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What’s Going On In The World Of Tech And Gadgets?

YSL’s Lipstick Printer

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This isn’t super, super new, but it still snuck by us that we missed it and honestly it feels like something that belongs in a movie it’s such a cool idea. So this lipstick printer is called the Rouge Sur Mesure Custom Lip Color Creator, quite the mouthful, and what it does is help you literally create your own unique lipstick color. It does this by using three tubes of a different colored liquid lipstick and by pairing to your phone so you can use an APP with AR to help determine the perfect lipstick color or shade you want for the day. Once you have what you want on your APP, you tell the device to make the perfect lipstick color for you. You’ll have to do a little bit of mixing once it has placed the right amount from each tube and then you can apply your lipstick. The final product is a liquid lipstick and it’s not that convenient to carry around outside, but for those that love techy novelty items like this or toying around with new color ideas all the time, this may be the perfect purchase for you.


Apple iOS 15.4

The latest Apple iOS update is out for download for our Apple devices and, oh wow, it’s pack FULL of new features and updates. The list of updates is really too long to go into detail, but we can share a few of the best ones we saw here for you. 

  • Face ID now works with a mask on!
  • Lots of new emojis
  • Apple Card Widget to keep easy track of your Apple Card balance
  • iCloud Keychain Notes so you can leave little hints for your passwords now
  • Added Share Play to the share sheet for apps that support Share Play
  • And many many more


Nintendo Switch G-Case

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Do you have a Nintendo Switch? Do you like Mecha-inspired designs? Then you’re going to love this protective case for the Nintendo Switch.This protective case in fact does quite a bit more than just keep the Swtich safe. It makes it more comfortable to hold thanks to various interchangeable grips, as well as a case to hold the Joy-Cons like a dedicated controller. The case also includes modular 5000mAh batteries that can be easily swapped in and out for additional power. For an extra level of cool, inside the grips are little compartments to hold a game cartridge. 


Something at Nothing

Something is going on over at Nothing Ear(1) and while we will all find out soon, according to their website, where’s the fun in that? Let’s take a gander at them and see what we can think they might be doing. Since they made their name on the transparent earbuds and they are focused on trying to minimalize technology, it will probably be minimalistic and have the transparent design again. Knowing that is Carl Pei at the controls of Nothing, a guy who made his claim to fame at OnePlus for their phones, then maybe it’s going to be a super cool phone? A lot of media and KOL people are also speculating about this as well. What we do know is that they are teasing that Carl will explain how people can invest in Nothng (awesome) and, what the next product will actually be. 


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