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Text-to-Image AI Keeps Training, Whether We Like It or Not

Rachel Metz for CNN with a small sample of the bizarre new ground being paved in AI land. If a computer is suddenly capable of replicating… Continue reading on Medium »

The Evolution of World Wide Web

Read-Only, Read-Write, Read-Write-Own Continue reading on Medium »

Anomura Monthly Project Update — October 2022

Welcome to our new monthly blog post series that shells out the latest and greatest on the happenings at Anomura HQ. Continue reading on Medium »


APTOS Paper Boys aims to be the first news media platform on Aptos. Continue reading on Medium »

Create your own local OHLCV datasets using Python and the Binance API

Learn how to pull historical data from the Binance API without size limit. Update your datasets by loading only the missing data. Continue reading on Medium »

Hey! It’s super nice to mee

I’m about to drop a very watered down version of how I got into tech . . . so let’s dive right in. Continue reading on Medium »

Career Cheat Codes I Know at 36 That I Wish I Knew at 26

Your career grows when you start taking the opportunities you’re not qualified for. Continue reading on The Startup »

Build Realtime Streaming Applications In Minutes

Using Websockets To Build A Realtime Application In Python Continue reading on FinTechExplained »

Top 10 Future Changes in Automobile Technology are Likely to Include

Technology is now growing very fast you should know Top 10 Future Changes in Automobile Technology are Likely to Include, enabling… Continue reading on Medium »

What Everyone Ought To Know About TECHNOLOGY

Technology is becoming more and more commonplace in our everyday lives. It seems like there is a new invention or gadget coming out every… Continue reading on Medium »

My 2022 Grace Hopper Conference Experience

Maybe it was the fact that the Grace Hopper Conference was in Orlando, Florida this year, but walking into the Grace Hopper Conference… Continue reading on Medium »

Vaultree and AlloyDB: the world’s first Fully Homomorphic and Searchable Cloud Encryption Solution

AlloyDB is a fully managed PostgreSQL compatible database service that Google claims to be twice as fast for transactional workload… Continue reading on Medium »

Are we tracked(watched) online?

Is big data dangerous? Continue reading on Medium »

Selecting Blockchain Frameworks for Workload Sharing Distributed System

By Yukun Li and Prerna Bothra Continue reading on 99P Labs »

Symmetric vs Asymmetric Encryption

What’s the difference? Continue reading on Medium »

State of developments related to Support Vector Machines in 2022

Getting started with SVM Continue reading on Medium »

