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Whoop 4.0 Fitness Band Review: Decent insights but no whoop about the price

Whoop 4.0


For the past month and a half, I've been playing guinea pig with the Whoop 4.0 fitness band. This little gizmo promises a whole new fitness experience, not about counting steps or telling time, but about understanding your body's inner workings during those sweat-drenched workouts.

So, if you're a gym rat like me, and you're looking for a way to improve the way you prep and rest your body then you might just find something of use within this breakdown. 

In this review i'll dive into some of the key features of the Whoop 4.0, the way it looks and feels and whether it's worth the pricey monthly subscription. 


Look and feel

Let's talk about the way this thing looks and feels – the Whoop 4.0 has a kind of no-nonsense charm. It's not flashy or in-your-face.  You slip it onto your wrist, and it's snug under a removable strap and buckle.

But let's be clear – this isn't a device that's out to win a fashion show. There's no dazzling display, no chatty speaker, and no microphone trying to chat you up. Instead, it's a small, curved piece of black plastic with all the action happening on the flip side where a heart rate sensor goes about its business.

Now, if you're into accessorizing, you can jazz up your Whoop with a colourful strap. But be warned, this little piece of fabric comes with a price tag that might make your wallet weep. You can stick with the classic black or splurge on a rainbow-rose gold-fluro fusion or whatever floats your boat.

A Fitness Tracker for the Dedicated

Whoop insights

If your daily routine revolves around intense workouts and relentless dedication to your fitness goals, the Whoop 4.0 band might just be for you. This unassuming yet powerful device takes a departure from the traditional fitness trackers that churn out step counts and basic metrics. Instead, it presents an innovative approach – focusing on measuring strain and recovery, the true markers of an effective workout routine.

The device requests your commitment to wearing it consistently over several weeks, allowing it to paint a comprehensive picture of your fitness journey. Through its monitoring of heart rate, skin temperature, and movement patterns, it meticulously crafts a narrative of your physical strain and subsequent recovery.

The Subscription Conundrum

But here's the catch. The Whoop 4.0 is free, but to unlock its full potential, you need to subscribe to the Whoop service. And let's just say, it's not exactly pocket change. Starting at a minimum of $30/£27/€30 per month, this might be a drop in the bucket for elite athletes like Rory McIlroy or Virgil Van Dijk, but for the average Joe or Jane, it's a pretty hefty investment.

This begs the question: is the Whoop 4.0 subscription really worth the dough?. Fitbit Premium, for instance, offers a more affordable monthly subscription at $9.99/£7.99/€8.99. 

In-Depth Data Insights

Whoop data

The Whoop 4.0's strength lies in its ability to provide detailed insights into your physical performance. By meticulously tracking heart rate variations, it calculates the strain imposed on your cardiovascular system during workouts. This strain is quantified on a scale that reaches over 20, giving you a numerical representation of your effort. On the flip side, the device evaluates your recovery as a percentage, factoring in heart rate variability, resting BPM, respiratory rate, and sleep duration. These metrics, combined with data from workouts, present a holistic view of your fitness journey.

Cardio-Centric Approach

However, the Whoop 4.0's prowess shines brightest when it comes to cardio-heavy activities. Its sensors are tailored to excel in monitoring activities like running, cycling, and high-intensity interval training. However, I did find that some of my workouts were missed, which for a device that requires that comes at a serious premium is pretty poor in my opinion. 

This specialization towards cardio based activities also, leaves strength training enthusiasts wanting for more accurate insights. This limitation stems from the device's primary focus on heart rate-based tracking, rendering it less effective at gauging strain during weightlifting and resistance training.

Whoop have recently added an update which allows you to record weight training sessions, but at the moment the technology seems rather clunky and troublesome.


Sleep Insights: A Highlight

Whoop insights

The Whoop 4.0's capabilities extend beyond workouts – it delves into the realm of sleep tracking with precision. It meticulously analyzes sleep patterns, even detecting fluctuations in skin temperature that could indicate changes in health status. This attention to detail underscores its commitment to providing users with comprehensive insights into their overall well-being.

I did find that the sleep metrics were good and provided some of the best insights in the overall whoop experience. But don't expect it to be a perfect sleep psychic. I found that it sometimes missed the mark, giving me a good sleep score even when I woke up feeling like I'd been run over by a truck.

Navigating the App Landscape

To access and interpret the treasure trove of data the Whoop 4.0 offers, users must navigate the intricacies of its accompanying app. While the app's learning curve might be steep initially, its rich features prove rewarding for those who persevere. One notable feature is the journal, allowing users to log a plethora of lifestyle factors that might influence their fitness journey. Additionally, the app fosters a sense of community by enabling users to join or create groups, fostering healthy competition and motivation. 

Charging troubles and Pricing Woes

Whoop charger

But let's talk about the elephant in the room: the charging mechanism. The Whoop 4.0 has a battery life of about three to four days, and you can charge it while wearing it. But the charging accessory itself needs to be charged and only offers one full charge cycle. It's a bit like a dog chasing its tail.

Furthermore, the pricing model of the Whoop 4.0 and its associated service subscription raises eyebrows. While the device is offered for free, the service subscription can become a substantial financial commitment. This model might deter potential users seeking a more budget-friendly fitness tracking solution. 

The Verdict: A Niche Choice for Fitness Enthusiasts

Rating: 3 out of 5

The Whoop 4.0 Fitness Band offers some unique and detailed insights into fitness and recovery, particularly for those focused on cardio workouts. However, the high subscription cost, limitations in tracking diverse workouts, and some technical issues like charging and occasional inaccuracies in sleep tracking, make it a less than perfect choice for all fitness enthusiasts.

As a fitness enthusiast myself and someone who is invested in rigorous cardio workouts and keen on meticulous strain and recovery monitoring, the whoop does offer some pretty decent insights into fitness and recovery. The handy journal tool also allows the device to pick up any bad habits you have which are affecting your sleep and recovery. 

However, the premium subscription cost, coupled with limitations in tracking diverse workout types, make it a niche choice that might not resonate with all fitness enthusiasts and didn’t particularly convince me either. 

The Whoop 4.0 offers some pretty nifty insights into fitness and recovery, especially for cardio enthusiasts. But the steep subscription cost and limitations in tracking diverse workouts make it a niche choice. If you're all about cardio, love detailed insights, and don't mind the subscription, the Whoop 4.0 could be a great fit. But if you're looking for a more versatile, budget-friendly option that actually tells the time, you might want to look elsewhere.

Let us know what you'd like to see on Heyup Tryouts

If this article has wet your appetite for some fitness tracking then why not head over to our Heyup Community page and tell us what kind of devices you'd like to see on Heyup Tryouts in the future? 

