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HeyWhatsNew: “Glow in the Dark” Is Now a New Feature for Smartphones, and Elon Musk Lands in Court for Attempting to Influence Elections
HeyWhatsNew: “Glow in the Dark” Is Now a New Feature for Smartphones, and Elon Musk Lands in Court for Attempting to Influence Elections

Smartphones now offer glow-in-the-dark features, while Elon Musk faces legal scrutiny for alleged election interference.

HeyWhatsNew: Automatic Emergency Braking Is Becoming More Reliable, and the Snapdragon 8 Elite May Be the Next Big Chipset
HeyWhatsNew: Automatic Emergency Braking Is Becoming More Reliable, and the Snapdragon 8 Elite May Be the Next Big Chipset

Discover how advancements in Automatic Emergency Braking systems and the Snapdragon 8 Elite chipset are revolutionizing vehicle safety and performance.

HeyWhatsNew: Tesla Has Recreated Designs from a 20 Year Old Movie, and Kindle Is Getting a Cute New Upgrade
HeyWhatsNew: Tesla Has Recreated Designs from a 20 Year Old Movie, and Kindle Is Getting a Cute New Upgrade

Discover how Tesla is bringing a 20-year-old movie's designs to life and the adorable new upgrade coming to Kindle.

HeyWhatsNew: The DoJ Reveals Plans to Dismantle Google’s Monopoly, and Nintendo Switch Is Inviting Testers for Its New Offering
HeyWhatsNew: The DoJ Reveals Plans to Dismantle Google’s Monopoly, and Nintendo Switch Is Inviting Testers for Its New Offering

The DoJ announces efforts to break up Google’s monopoly, while Nintendo Switch seeks testers for its latest product.

HeyWhatsNew: Meta Connect 2024 Unveils Orion AR Glasses and OpenAI Shifts Gears as It Moves Away from Non-Profit Control
HeyWhatsNew: Meta Connect 2024 Unveils Orion AR Glasses and OpenAI Shifts Gears as It Moves Away from Non-Profit Control

Meta Connect 2024 introduces the cutting-edge Orion AR Glasses, while OpenAI transitions from non-profit control, signaling major shifts in the tech landscape.

HeyWhatsNew: Microsoft Cuts 650 Jobs in Gaming Division and Snap Unveils AR Spectacles for Developers
HeyWhatsNew: Microsoft Cuts 650 Jobs in Gaming Division and Snap Unveils AR Spectacles for Developers

Microsoft trims 650 jobs from its gaming division as Snap introduces new AR Spectacles for developers.

HeyWhatsNew: All Things Apple and Boeing’s Starliner Touches Down in New Mexico
HeyWhatsNew: All Things Apple and Boeing’s Starliner Touches Down in New Mexico

Explore the latest on Apple innovations, Boeing's Starliner landing in New Mexico, and more, on this week's edition of tech news.

HeyWhatsNew: Bluesky Booms After Brazil Bans X and Sony Shuts Down Concord After Just Two Weeks
HeyWhatsNew: Bluesky Booms After Brazil Bans X and Sony Shuts Down Concord After Just Two Weeks

Bluesky surges in popularity as Brazil's ban on X, and Sony's abrupt shutdown of Concord after just two weeks shake up the social media landscape.

HeyWhatsNew: X Is Expanding to Conference Calling for Meetings, and Watermarks on AI Generated Content Are Coming to California
HeyWhatsNew: X Is Expanding to Conference Calling for Meetings, and Watermarks on AI Generated Content Are Coming to California

X is introducing conference calling for meetings, while California is set to implement watermarks for AI-generated content.

HeyWhatsNew: Apple Shifts iPhone Production to India to Possibly Make Their Devices Cheaper, and X Boasts an Interesting Combination of Investors
HeyWhatsNew: Apple sposta la produzione di iPhone in India per rendere i propri dispositivi più economici, e X vanta un'interessante combinazione di investitori

La decisione di Apple di spostare la produzione dell'iPhone in India potrebbe ridurre i costi dei dispositivi, mentre X attira l'attenzione grazie al suo intrigante mix di investitori.

HeyWhatsNew: The iPhone Is Set to Replace VAR in the EPL, and Google Officially Announced the Latest Pixel Range
HeyWhatsNew: l'iPhone è pronto a sostituire il VAR nella Premier League e Google ha annunciato ufficialmente l'ultima gamma Pixel

L'iPhone potrebbe presto sostituire il VAR nella Premier League, mentre l'ultima gamma Pixel di Google fa il suo grande debutto: preparatevi a un cambiamento tecnologico nello sport e non solo.

HeyWhatsNew: China Is Close to Launching Its Starlink Rival, and Olympians Are Selling Their Exclusive Samsung Devices
HeyWhatsNew: la Cina è vicina al lancio del suo rivale Starlink e gli atleti olimpici stanno vendendo i loro dispositivi Samsung esclusivi

La Cina si avvicina al lancio del suo concorrente Starlink, mentre gli atleti olimpici guadagnano vendendo i loro esclusivi dispositivi Samsung.

Google School Time feature
HeyWhatsNew: Google porta la modalità Scuola sui dispositivi Android

Negli ultimi anni, l'uso degli smartphone durante la giornata scolastica ha scatenato il dibattito. I telefoni catturano l'attenzione dei bambini in modo più efficace dell'insegnamento e molti hanno sperato in vari divieti di utilizzo dei telefoni o altre restrizioni nelle scuole. Google ha ora introdotto una nuova modalità operativa con cui mira a risolvere il problema. Questa funzionalità arriverà su...

HeyWhatsNew: Self-Driving Tesla Involved in a Fatal Collision, and Samsung Creates a One-of-a-Kind Olympics Foldable
HeyWhatsNew: la Tesla a guida autonoma coinvolta in una collisione mortale e Samsung crea un'auto pieghevole olimpica unica nel suo genere

Una Tesla a guida autonoma è coinvolta in un incidente mortale, mentre Samsung presenta un esclusivo telefono pieghevole a tema olimpico.

HeyWhatsNew: Financial Services Companies Are the Biggest Victims of Ransomware, and Satellites Will Soon Be Used to Detect Wildfires
HeyWhatsNew: le società di servizi finanziari sono le principali vittime del ransomware e presto i satelliti saranno utilizzati per rilevare gli incendi boschivi

Le società di servizi finanziari sono i principali obiettivi del ransomware, mentre i satelliti sono destinati a rivoluzionare il rilevamento degli incendi boschivi.

HeyWhatsNew: NASA Cancels the $450 Million VIPER, and the SEC May Be Investigating Instagram Soon
HeyWhatsNew: la NASA annulla il VIPER da 450 milioni di dollari e la SEC potrebbe presto indagare su Instagram

La NASA annulla la missione VIPER da 450 milioni di dollari, mentre la SEC potrebbe indagare su Instagram.

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