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Yunqi Conference opened on November 3: more than 60 technology summit forums and three major exhibition halls panoramic technology exhibition

The 2022 Hangzhou Yunqi Conference will be held in Hangzhou Yunqi Town from November 3rd to 5th. With the theme of "Computing, Evolution and Future", two main forums and more than 60 summits and forums will be set up. And set up a panoramic technology exhibition in the three exhibition halls. Previously at the Yunqi Conference, Alibaba had launched major releases such as Damo Academy, Pingtou Ge, City Brain, and self-developed CPU Yitian 710. Photo source: From the Internet Yunqi Conference has entered its 14th year, which has witnessed China's technology from the website and mobile Internet to the digital age, and has brought many blockbuster releases, which is regarded as the industry's technology vane. In recent years, more and more scientists, industry leaders, and leading technology companies have participated in the Yunqi Conference, promoting the conference to become the industry's top digital technology conference and expo. According to reports, the conference will bring together thousands of important guests, including more than 20 academicians of the two academies, many well-known scholars, enterprises and industry leaders. Sun Ninghui, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and director of the Academic Committee of the Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Luo Qingming, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and co-founder of the "Brain Atlas" big science plan, Gong Xingao, an expert in computational matter science, Qingdao National Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology (Laoshan Laboratory) Director Wu Lixin and others will attend the Yunqi Conference and deliver speeches. At the more than 60 summit forums of the Yunqi Conference, more than 1,000 topics on digital industry and digital technology will be shared, including cloud computing, chips, next-generation networks, cloud-edge-device integration, artificial intelligence, As well as industrial digitalization, the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, etc. At present, the Yunqi Conference is undergoing intensive exhibition work in Yunqi Town. The three exhibition halls are named after "Computing Power", "Evolutionary Trend" and "Future Realm", covering cloud computing, Bodhidharma, Frontier technology, digitization, metaverse, consumer electronics, autonomous driving, robotics and many other themed exhibitions, and more than 1,000 new technology releases. Source: From the Internet Taking the "Power of Computing" exhibition as an example, the "Flying Micro World" will be exhibited for the first time, bringing the audience into the server with a magnification of 100 times, and intuitively feel the self-developed chips, CPU, Dragon Computing and other flying sky Core technology; in the cutting-edge science and technology exhibition called Future Lab, many colleges and universities will bring more than 30 cutting-edge scientific and technological achievements, such as DNA storage prototypes, efficiency printing, liquid metal circuits, space data centers, etc. are the first presented to the public. At the same time, the digital restoration of Daming Palace produced by the XR laboratory of Dharma Academy, more than 30

