GameSir X2 Pro-Xbox Mobile Game Controller
6 reasons to try GameSir X2 Pro-Xbox Mobile Game Controller
1. Console-level controls: The GameSir X2 Pro-Xbox Mobile Game Controller provides console-level controls, allowing you to have a more immersive gaming experience on your Android smartphone.
2. Compatibility with Xbox cloud gaming: This controller is specially designed for Xbox cloud gaming on Android smartphones. It allows you to play over 100 Xbox games from the cloud, even if you don't have an Xbox console.
3. Remote play functionality: You can use the X2 Pro to remotely play your Xbox and PC games from anywhere. It supports popular remote streaming options such as Xbox Remote Play, Steam Link, Rainway, and Moonlight.
4. Additional mappable buttons: The X2 Pro features two additional mappable buttons on the back of the controller. This allows you to easily map in-game actions and execute them on the fly, enhancing your gameplay.
5. Negligible input latency: With a direct Type-C connection to your phone, the X2 Pro ensures negligible input latency, minimizing any delay between your actions and the game's response.
6. Compatibility with controller-supported Android games: The X2 Pro is compatible with a wide range of controller-supported Android games. Whether you're playing Diablo Immortal or Fortnite, you can enjoy a better gaming experience without the limitations of clunky touchscreen controls.

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