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ChatGPT Replacing Employees In Some Companies of the United States

ChatGPT Replacing Employees In US

ChatGPT, an artificial intelligence-based chatbot introduced by the OpenAI company in November of last year and later released to ordinary users, has taken over at least half of the work of employees in some companies in the United States. According to ResumeBuilder, a website that surveyed 1,000 employers who use or plan to use this new technology, ChatGPT has replaced company employees for some tasks in approximately half of the companies.

The website ResumeBuilder said that company employees should start thinking about how this technology can affect their work processes in the future. A survey of executives from various companies showed that employers plan to use ChatGPT to optimize the process of performing some work tasks.

According to the results of the survey

The 66% of companies use ChatGPT for writing software code, 58% for replacing copywriters, 57% for customer support services, and 52% for drafting various types of documents.

77% of companies use ChatGPT to create job descriptions as part of their hiring process. In addition, 66% of companies use this chatbot for creating interview invitations, and 65% for answering job-seeker inquiries. As a result, ChatGPT was able to attract the attention of the heads of various companies.

ChatGPT Replacing Employees In US

55% of the managers of the companies consider the work of the chatbot to be excellent, and 34% consider it to be very good. It has also been found that companies using ChatGPT have been able to save a certain amount of money. For example, 48% of companies using a chatbot saved $50,000, and 11% saved $100,000. 

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