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OnePlus 11 Concept First Shown In Photos With Fluorescent Water Flow

OnePlus 11 Concept Photos

A few days before the Mobile World Congress 2023 to be held in Barcelona, ​​OnePlus wants to take advantage of these days to break into the scene and thus show two images of the OnePlus 11 Concept.

In a teaser, the company offers the public a peek at part of the back cover of the device. We can see in the image below the layer of glass, a layer containing the continuous band in blue, and, just below, the body of the Smartphone.

OnePlus 11 Concept Photos

Another image, below, shows the rear cover mounted in even more detail, where we notice the presence of the transparent glass layer on top of the continuous blue stripe layer.

From the images it is possible to deduce that the strip will zigzag for a good length of the rear, circling the camera module and going around the frame in the upper and right side of the device.

The set of cameras, in turn, seems to contain three or four sensors, but it is not possible to say if what we see below will be the final look, allowing us to see the internal components of the set of lenses, or if there are still more details to finalize the smartphone.

OnePlus 11 Concept Photos

"The images show the innovative engineering of the OnePlus 11 Concept highlighting the icy blue pipes running across the back of the phone, almost as if the OnePlus 11 Concept had its own series of blood vessels," the company said in a note. The pipes of the OnePlus 11 Concept are housed in an audacious futuristic single-body glass design inspired by the calm stillness and vast power of the glacial lake."

OnePlus does not reveal whether the fluorescent strip will be useful for device functions, such as liquid cooling, or if this is an exclusively aesthetic differential.

OnePlus 11 Concept Photos

A futuristic design for a mobile that will come equipped with all kinds of virtues and thus become one of the most important of this year 2023. There is no information about the availability and price of the OnePlus 11 Concept, so it remains to wait until February 27 for the release of official data.

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