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OpenAI CTO Says ChatGPT Should be Regulated

OpenAI ChatGPT Should be Regulated


The chief technology officer of ChatGPT creator OpenAI, Mira Murati said the AI ​​tool should be regulated because it could be used by "bad actors". In an interview with Time magazine, she said that the company didn't expect her "child" to be met with such enthusiasm upon release.

She added that ChatGPT could "invent facts," in common with other AI-powered tools based on a language model. But its popularity has sparked questions about some ethical concerns, Murati said, adding that such tools "can be misused, or by bad actors," prompting questions about how to govern it on a global scale.

OpenAI ChatGPT Should be Regulated

She continued, "Remark are you managing the use of AI in a way that aligns with human values?" When asked if companies like OpenAI or governments should be in charge of regulating the tool, Murati said: "It is vital for OpenAI and companies like ours to bring this into the public consciousness of in a controlled and responsible way."

She stressed, however, that the company will need all the help it can get, including regulators, governments, and everyone else. When asked whether it was 'too early for regulators to get involved', Murati said, 'It's not too soon. "Given AI technologies' impact, it's very important that everyone start getting involved."

ChatGPT has achieved 100 million users faster than TikTok or Instagram.

Since its launch in November 2022, ChatGPT has achieved 100 million monthly active users faster than SNS services TikTok or Instagram. "No other service that has appeared on the Internet in 20 years has grown as quickly as this," UBS analysts said in a report last week.

OpenAI ChatGPT Should be Regulated

The partnership between AI-related venture companies and big techs has caused antitrust problems. These ventures have joined hands with big tech companies such as Microsoft, Google, and Amazon that provide cloud computing resources one after another. Their partnership is not only causing problems within the market. The basic problem stems from the fact that these AI services reached consumers too quickly before society was ready.

Google, which has been on the defensive due to the partnership between Microsoft and OpenAI, is trying to secure AI services. Last Friday, Google announced it would invest $300 million in Anthropic, which developed Cloude, a competitor to ChatGPT. This is a company created by former open AI developers. Murati worried that the pursuit of profitability could engulf AI safety considerations.

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