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Samsung Plans to Enter the Field of Mixed Reality Devices (AR + VR)

Samsung Mixed Reality Devices

According to the information provided by one of Samsung 's top managers, the company is currently engaged in drawing up a road map for the presentation of products aimed at the field of mixed reality ( AR + VR /Mixed Reality ). Samsung considers this field very promising.

According to many technology companies, mixed reality is the next stage of development in the field of electronics. Companies such as Meta and Microsoft are already investing heavily in this area.

Samsung Mixed Reality Devices

Such technologies will actually allow connecting the real world with the virtual world thanks to special devices and software. According to the representatives of Samsung company, the company does not want to miss this opportunity.

Cooperates with Google and Qualcomm

However, no information has been given about when the company's first MR device will be exhibited. However, Samsung representatives noted that the company closely cooperates with Google and Qualcomm. Qualcomm is already selling a processor called Snapdragon XR, designed for both AR and VR devices.

Samsung Mixed Reality Devices

Samsung has years of experience in software development, and Google has Android as a popular and powerful platform. However, Samsung is not going to be satisfied with the cooperation with only 2 companies in this matter. Thus, Samsung aimed to create its own ecosystem by attracting third-party developers, content, and software creators. According to some experts, we can expect AR or MR glasses from Samsung in the near future.

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